Activities of the KNOMAD are organized around Thematic Working Groups. The Thematic Working Group’s outputs include policy notes, data, research papers and books, conferences, capacity building workshops, and pilot projects.
To engage with and sensitize policy makers, partners, academia, researchers, and development professionals across the globe on issues related to migration and remittances, KNOMAD organizes an array of activities.
KNOMAD generates peer-reviewed analytical evidence, evaluation of policies, research papers and data collection through its Thematic Working Groups.
KNOMAD is addressing gaps and quality issues regarding data on migration and remittances by researching, collecting and publishing global data to enable more effective engagement on migration and development.
KNOMAD's Mission
KNOMAD, the Global Knowledge Partnership on Migration and Development, is a brain trust for the global migration community. It draws on experts to create and synthesize knowledge for use by policy makers in sending, receiving and transit countries.
KNOMAD is established and supported by the World Bank with key contributions from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development, and the European Commission.