Event description:
Please note that short video viewing will be starting at 9:45.
The report - “Groundswell – Preparing for Internal Climate Migration” – launched on March 19th, 2018 – is the first and most comprehensive study of its kind to focus on the nexus between slow-onset climate change impacts, internal migration patterns, and development in three developing regions of the world: Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, and Latin America. It finds that unless urgent climate and development action is taken globally and nationally, these three regions together could be dealing with tens of millions of internal climate migrants by 2050. These are people forced to move from increasingly non-viable areas of their countries due to growing problems like water scarcity, crop failure, sea level rise and storm surges. The report makes the point that while climate migration may be a reality, it does not have to be a crisis - if early action is taken on three key fronts: cutting greenhouse gas emissions, embedding migration into development planning, and investing now to improve the understanding of internal climate migration.
- Climate Change Group
- World Bank
- Environment and Natural Resources (ENR) Global Practice
- Co-chair Environmental Change and Migration-KNOMAD, World Bank
- Fragility
- Conflict and Violence
- Social
- Urban and Rural Resilience Global Practice
- Environment and Natural Resources ENR Global Practice
- Africa Region
- Lead Economist
- Migration and Remittances
- Social Protection and Jobs Global Practice
- World Bank