Event description:
KNOMAD is seeking a consultant to elaborate a methodology for a comprehensive longitudinal study on reintegration outcomes of returnees in selected regions and countries. This methodology will be made available for stakeholders interested in carrying out or funding this comprehensive study. Interested candidates are requested to send their CV by June 30,2020.
Background and Scope of Work
Sound return and reintegration policies can contribute to positive development outcomes for returning migrants, their communities and governments of origin, and to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. This notion is firmly grounded in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Global Compact on Migration (GCM)and other international and regional frameworks which call on States to collect and utilize accurate and disaggregated data as a basis for evidence-based policies on migration.
However, the challenges to achieving these objectives and commitments is the significant gaps in the quantity, accuracy, timeliness, reliability, comparability (over time and across countries) and accessibility of migration data, including on return and reintegration. Data on return and reintegration are often poor, difficult to access and understand, thus making it challenging for decision-makers around the world to determine evidence-based migration policies.
KNOMAD, the Global Knowledge Partnership on Migration and Development, is a brain trust for the global migration community that aims to generate a menu of policy choices, based on analytical evidence, evaluation of policies, data collection, and quality control through peer-review. It provides technical assistance and undertakes pilot projects in close coordination with the Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) and the U.N. agencies working on migration. Through its Return Migration and Reintegration thematic working group (co-led by the World Bank and IOM), KNOMAD aims to contribute to evidence-based policy choices including by generating data for policies to improve return and reintegration outcomes.
KNOMAD is seeking a consultant to elaborate a methodology for a comprehensive longitudinal study on reintegration outcomes of returnees in selected regions and countries. This methodology will be made available for stakeholders interested in carrying out or funding this comprehensive study. The consultant is expected to work in close collaboration with the KNOMAD Head, Thematic Working Group Chair/Co-chair (as applicable) and focal point. The selected candidate would be hired as World Bank Short Term Consultants and need to adhere to relevant World Bank rules for work monitoring, claiming remuneration, etc. Further details in Terms of Reference.
The consultant will also produce a short policy paper and organize a webinar on the researched topics. The terms of reference are attached.
Candidates are invited to express their interest by sending an email to sde@worldbank.org by 30 June 2020. They should provide a short bibliography, a brief summary of their experience on migration related research (preferably on return and reintegration) and an indicative workplan. Due weightage will be given to prior work or consulting experience with international organizations. Candidates with work or research experience in low- and middle-income countries would be preferred.