Event description:
This KNOMAD Seminar will present and discuss the recently launched Platform on Disaster Displacement (PDD), a stateled and multi-stakeholder driven follow-up to the Nansen Initiative. The PDD intends to implement the recommendations of the Nansen Initiative Protection Agenda, to prevent, reduce and address disaster displacement. When displacement is unavoidable, policy options may include facilitating migration or planned relocation to move people away from hazardous areas to safer areas. PDD’s work cuts across sectors of humanitarian assistance, human rights, migration management, refugee protection, disaster risk reduction, climate change mitigation/ adaptation. The Protection Agenda emphasizes the need for inclusive and sustainable development as an integral part of efforts to reduce and manage disaster displacement risks, before, during and following disasters. Our speaker, Achim Steiner, will present the PPD and engage the audience in a discussion on how to link the Protection Agenda and development work (including the World Bank’s one), and explore synergies with the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, the Paris Agreement on climate change and other global policy frameworks and processes.