Guidelines for Statistics for SDG indicator 10.7.1


The United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda marks a milestone by mainstreaming migration as an integral component of development policy. It is the first time that migration-relevant indicators are incorporated into such an agenda. Goal 10.7 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) calls for facilitating orderly, safe, and responsible migration and mobility of people, including through implementation of planned and well- managed migration policies. This goal includes the indicator 10.7.1: “Recruitment cost borne by an employee as a proportion of monthly income earned in country of destination.”

Since 2014, the Global Knowledge Partnership on Migration and Development (KNOMAD) of the World Bank and the ILO have been working on a methodology to measure recruitment costs. ILO and the World Bank are joint custodians of indicator 10.7.1. Several pilot surveys have been conducted in collaboration with local research institutions in selected origin and destination countries to shed light on the magnitude as well as the key factors that influence recruitment costs for low- and semi-skilled jobs paid by migrant workers. 

The present Guidelines have been prepared in consultation with several national statistical offices3 and UN agencies to develop the statistics needed for an indicator for the SDG Indicator 10.7.1, drawing on the experience and lessons learned from the surveys jointly conducted by KNOMAD and ILO. This work is expected to contribute to production of statistics that can serve to identify the size of, and setting a global target to reduce, recruitment costs globally. These Guidelines include discussions on objectives and uses of the indicator, definitions, considerations on data collection items, programs and methods, as well as consideration on relevant tabulations.

Related link: 

Consultative workshop on SDG indicator 10.7.1 guidelines for measuring recruitment costs