Synthesis Note

Synthesis Note on workshop "Practical Tools for Planned Relocation in the Context of Climate Change"


The KNOMAD Thematic Working Group on Environmental Change and Migration convened  a workshop in Washington, DC on 11 and 12 April, 2017 with the specific objectives of: 1) Enhancing the understanding of the conditions under which planned relocations may be undertaken to respond to the effects of climate change and situating this specific type of movement within the broader context of mobility induced by environmental change; 2) Learning from insights from different geographical and contextual experiences on how planned relocations have been carried out in the past and can be carried out in the future; 3) Providing input and guidance for the development of practical tools (in particular the “toolbox”) on planned relocations.

This workshop built on prior meetings organized by KNOMAD’s Thematic Working Group, including an October 2016 workshop on planned relocations for World Bank staff as well as previously-convened meetings by other partners. An important objective was also to further elaborate the toolbox on planned relocation which will be reviewed by States’ representatives at the workshop “Planned Relocations, Disasters and Climate Change" on May 31, 2017 in Geneva, convened by Georgetown University, IOM and UNHCR.