Event description:
This workshop aimed to determine how best to promote the adoption and production by national statistical agencies of internationally comparable indicator of recruitment costs. A corollary objective was to exchange views on how to strengthen the capacity of national statistical systems to produce internationally comparable statistics for the recruitment indicator on a regular basis.
The workshop developed a draft set of Guidelines produced by ILO and KNOMAD. The draft builds on previous work of KNOMAD and ILO on estimating migration costs through a number of surveys in major migration corridors as well as on experience with similar other surveys.2 The Guidelines identifies a number of conceptual issues and definitions with respect to the SDG indicator, and suggests possible approaches to undertaking national surveys of recruitment costs tailored to national circumstances as well as the needs and resources of NSOs. The workshop specifically aimed at providing concrete feedback to the proposed Guidelines and hence contribute to its finalization. On October 1st, 2018, a formal submission was made to the UN to reclassify SDG 10.7.1 from Tier 3 to Tier 2.
The workshop brought together representative from national statistical offices (NSOs), who are statistical experts with experience on household surveys, particularly labour force surveys or living standards measurement surveys, recruitment costs or migration surveys, technical specialists from the ILO and World Bank, and representatives from institutions that have implemented migration cost surveys in the past.