The Determinants and Effects of International Migration: The Key Role of Skills
When : Apr 04, 2018
Time : 12:30-2:00pm
Venue : World Bank Main Building 4-800Location : Washington DC

Event description:
In understanding the determinant and effects of international migration the skill (schooling) dimension of migrants is a key factor. More educated people are more mobile and their economic and political impact on receiving countries are significant. Less educated people are not as mobile, their economic impact on receiving countries is less significant but they may have an important political impact. Combining his research on sending and receiving country, Professor Giovanni Peri will draw a picture of how the skill content of international migration should be at the core of the policy discussion in sending and receiving countries.

Giovanni Peri
Director, Professor/Chair
- Economics Department at the University of California, Davis
- Migration Research Cluster at UC Davis

Dilip Ratha
Head of KNOMAD
- Lead Economist
- Migration and Remittances
- Social Protection and Jobs Global Practice
- World Bank