Estimation and Comparison of Unauthorized Migration in Europe and the USA
When : Dec 04, 2019 Time : 12:30 - 2:00 pm Venue : World Bank, MC C2 - 350Location : Washington DC

Event description:

Europe and the United States are major destinations for the world’s immigrants. In both places, debates about immigration policy have focused on unauthorized immigrants living in these two destinations. The Pew Research Center Recently released estimates of Europe’s unauthorized immigrant population, permitting comparisons with the unauthorized immigrant population in the United States. The populations differ in overall size, trends and characteristics. The size of Europe’s unauthorized immigrant population in 2017 was less than half the number in the U.S. while the population sizes have trended in opposite directions in recent years. Meanwhile, the unauthorized immigrant population in Europe is from a more diverse set of regions, is younger and has generally lived in Europe for a shorter period of time compared with unauthorized immigrant population in the United States. 


Phillip Connor
Phillip Connor
Senior Researcher
  • Global Migration and Demography
  • Pew Research Center
Dilip Ratha
Dilip Ratha
Head of KNOMAD
  • Lead Economist, Migration and Remittances, Social Protection and Jobs Global Practice, World Bank