Migration and Development in IBRD and IDA Countries: A Role for the World Bank Group
When : Jan 31, 2017 Venue : 12:30-2:00 PM Room J B1 075Location : Washington DC Applicable Countries: United States

Event description:

Viewing migration through the lens of reducing poverty and sharing prosperity while respecting individual human rights can provide a unifying framework for operationalizing the World Bank Group's knowledge on migration and mobilizing its financial resources and convening power. The recent IDA 18 replenishment draft report recommended adopting a ‘migration lens’ in IDA countries where migration has a significant economic and social impact on home, host, and transit countries. This approach will “include analytics that close critical knowledge gaps and, where there is explicit country demand, support for operations that focus on job creation, managing legal economic migration, and integrating young people and economic migrants.” In this talk, speakers will present the findings of a recent Bank’s published a paper “Migration and Development: A Role for the World Bank Group.” This paper proposes that the role of the WBG, and other IFIs, in the area of migration covers four areas: i) financing migration programs; ii) addressing the fundamental drivers of migration; iii) maximizing the benefits and managing the risks of migration in sending and receiving countries; and iv) providing knowledge for informed policy making and improving public perceptions. In particular, panelists will discuss a proposed “migration diagnostic tool” that can be used by TTL's to identify country specific challenges and possible WBG support in IDA and IBRD countries.


Caglar Ozden
Caglar Ozden
Sonia Plaza
Sonia Plaza