Regional Workshop on Planned Relocations to protect persons from disasters and environmental change in the Latin American context
When : May 02-03, 2018 Location : San José, Costa Rica Applicable Countries: Costa Rica

Event description:

The KNOMAD Thematic Working Group on Environmental Change and Migration convened this workshop with three specific objectives:

  • To learn from the experiences of planned relocations undertaken in Latin America;
  • To present and receive feedback about the Guidance and Toolbox for Planning Relocations developed by Georgetown University, IOM, and UNHCR in collaboration with the World Bank’s KNOMAD Working group on Environment and Migration and the Platform for Disaster Displacement;
  • To encourage governments and other actors to begin to consider how planned relocations can be used as disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation strategies.

The workshop built on prior meetings organized by KNOMAD’s Thematic Working Group, including an April 2017 Workshop on “Practical Tools for Planned Relocation in the Context of Climate Change" and an October 2016 workshop on planned relocations for World Bank staff, as well as meetings previously convened by other partners.